Monday, January 20, 2014

A sketch for a shaky day

I just sat down to start a detailed colored pencil drawing of some beautiful strawberries, and soon realized that this is one of those days when my Parkinson's decides to make itself known. I think that I must've had a little too much caffeine this morning, as I've been pretty tremor-free as of late.

Even though I'm right-handed—and my right side isn't yet affected by my PD—when my left side gets in a shaky mood, it's a real distraction. As I started to draw, that left hand got even shakier; once my left leg decided to join in the fun, I decided I'd better just get a quick sketch done and call it a day.

But to tell the truth, I'm rather happy with my little sketch—being forced to draw quickly can be a good thing now and again.


  1. It's amazing what you can do even with the distractions you're forced to contend with. Sending you my best wishes and prayers. I love your beans, and thanks for the link for the seeds!

  2. I would be happy with that strawberry drawing too! It's very nicely rendered! So happy you were drawing this week :) I'll check out the other blog too!

  3. I always enjoy a visit to see your drawings. It is great to see anything you do, and the strawberry is beautifully captured. I do love your pomegranate too, I can imagine how gorgeous the inside will look .
    I guess you have plans for gardening and growing seeing the seeds. And then you can draw your harvest too. Looks like you are enjoying the life drawing class, going to check out the other blog.

  4. Dear Sarah,

    I found your blog while I was searching for botanical drawings of mistletoe and I really love your work! I was wondering if you have an Etsy page or would consider drawing a few botanical pictures for me? Please feel free to contact me at Thank you!
